The national average mortgage rate is 6.567%

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Your complete guide to mortgage rates

5 min approvals. Easy process.**

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Mortgage rates are changing daily, check your personal rate today to start your home buying journey.

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Use the home valuation estimator! Search for a specific address and we will search millions of home records in our database to provide a real world estimate, scope out the competition, and explore options that may help you get the best return on your investment.

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*97% Customer Satisfaction: Data Source: Rate's Client Satisfaction Surveys (Averaged 2023)
**Rate’s 5-minute pre-approval refers to an automated underwriting review of borrower submitted loan documentation and subsequent pre-approval and should not suggest to a borrower that Rate has fully funded or approved the borrowers mortgage application within 5 minutes. Rate cannot guarantee that a loan will be approved or that a closing will occur within a specific timeframe. Not all borrowers will be approved. Borrower's interest rate will depend upon the specific characteristics of borrower's loan transaction, credit profile and other criteria. Restrictions apply.